When Wall Street crashed and his American clients stopped coming to Paris, Jean Patou asked his house perfumer Henri Alméras to compose a perfume, to send them as a gift. Thumbing its nose at plummeting portfolios and exhuding opulence, Joy was officially launched two years later, in 1932, with the slogan “The most expensive perfume in the world”… Joy’s soaring rose-jasmine duet set the template for utter luxury à la française: the Queen of Flowers and the one called “La Fleur” in Grasse. The very essence of perfume.
Idylle isn’t the new “world’s most expensive perfume” but it does give off an expansive, zaftig vibe: Bulgarian rose with a faint metallic edge, riding on a wave of hedione – the type of youthful, fresh rose we’ve been smelling lately, for instance in Narciso Rodriguez Essence . The rose-jasmine blend is held together by a great big muguet, with peony lightening up the rose and a sweeter note of lilac somewhere in the background (all three flowers are, of course lab creatures since their essence cannot be extracted; all have rose facets). Freesia is also listed but not strongly apparent except as a wisp of ionones.
The inclusion of prominent muguet and lilac notes is always something of a challenge because they’ve been so widely used now in functional perfumery, but Idylle steers clear of the room-freshener pitfall. No shades of Glade: Idylle is all English garden – complete with the wet-earth note of patchouli and a touch of (synthetic) moss – blowsy and a little disheveled, drowned in a huge, fluffy, cottony cloud of white musk. Whether the rose or the jasmine plays up seems to be entirely a matter of skin: on me, jasmine avalanche. On my co-tester, total rose bush. But definitely all woman.
It is. Not a dab of Guerlinade in this baby. The base, in Idylle, is what Guerlain has been presenting as its “contemporary interpretation”, dubbed the “muscinade” – of the type found in L’Instant and its flankers, Cruel Gardénia or Wasser’s own Iris Ganache.
In an interview given in March to the Swiss state television, Wasser stated that “we’re all trying to do a J’adore.” Clearly, Idylle is his bid for a mainstream blockbuster. Which it could well be: an extraverted, joyful bouquet wrapped in gauzy musk for fruity-floral graduates. And you don’t even have to be Russian oligarch arm-candy to afford it.
hmm a Guerlain without Guerlainade. Weird but I guess it's true that if you are going to be sub standard at it best to break the mould. It actually sounds very good just not very Guerlain- but I want to love it and I can't wait to try it.
RépondreSupprimerIt doesn't sound very edgy or groundbreaking, but I find that I have great tolerance for that sort of thing if done well. A fragrance that is "just pretty" suits me fine, and I'm going to have to sniff this.
RépondreSupprimerAlthough... no Guerlinade? I LIKE Guerlinade, and it likes me. But thankfully, you say this is no Insolence. If I could, I'd drive a stake through Insolence's heart and bury it with a wreath of garlic. Ugh.
Does Idylle bear any resemblance, beyond the superficial rose-jasmine focus, to Joy? (Joy is all dirty-panties jasmine on me, positively too obscene to wear.)
Idylle reminded of SJP Lovely, however it's well done and if it becomes a commercial success it will contribute to help Guerlain keep going and keep afloat exclusive lines like Les Parisiennes.
RépondreSupprimerRose, well, actually not every single Guerlain in history has had the Guerlinade, and I can also understand that T.Wasser didn't want to use it as somehow it could've felt too easy...
RépondreSupprimerMals86, it's not edgy but then which mainstream launches are, these days?
RépondreSupprimerI like Insolence in the edp but I wouldn't wear it (it's just not me at all).
And no, Idylle doesn't smell like Joy at all: the jasmine note isn't indolic at all (I mostly get hedione) and there's a huge muguet in it.
Guet-apens: Lovely has disappeared from shelves in Paris so I can't compare directly, but Idylle feels a lot more floral than Lovely.
RépondreSupprimerAnd I agree: I hope Guerlain sells lots of this to keep the classics afloat.
carmencanada, I'm not surprised Lovely has disappeared from the shelves in Paris, it's still everywhere in the US.
RépondreSupprimerIdylle is a bit more floral and better than Lovely which in turn is more floral and better than NR For Her.
Guet-Apens: well now that I'm in Canada I'll have another sniff of Lovely, it seems to be everywhere here too.