The last time I was in New York, Debbie Harry and I were both slim young things and all of the Ramones were still alive. So you can imagine there are lots of things I would rather be doing that sitting in front of the computer!
Nevertheless, here is a snapshot of the end of my book signing session at Aedes de Venustas, where I had the pleasure of meeting many readers, fellow bloggers, perfume lovers who'd received the invitation and very cool clients of Aedes.
So, the photo-souvenir of the main players of the event: my new friends, the adorable Robert (to the left) and Karl (to the right), the co-owners of Aedes, and the exquisite Laren Stover, who wrote my profile for the New York Times -- after her Bombshell Manual of Style, which I bought when it came out, her Bohemian Manifesto is currently my bedside book.
A shout-out to Lucy Raubertas (Indie Perfumes), Avery Gilbert (What the Nose Knows), Francesca Bellanger, Douglas Bender (Charenton Macerations), and so many others... including an extraordinary fashion blogger, Valerie of Idiosyncratic Fashionistas!
samedi 23 mars 2013
mardi 19 mars 2013
The Perfume Lover goes on sale today in the USA and Canada... and I'm off to New York
Well, that’s
it. In a few hours, I’ll be off to New York. And this is the day my American
and Canadian editions become available: just click on the covers on the
right-hand sidebar to order!
There’s a
good chance a profile of me in the Style section of a newspaper of reference
will be coming out on Thursday (if not then, the week after that). I’ll post
the link when the deed is done.
Meanwhile, my
friends over at in Toronto have organized a fantastic
give-away for a full bottle of Séville à
l’aube (if SAs tell you it's sold out, don't believe them: the new batch is hitting the warehouse tomorrow and will be shipping in April).
To enter the contest, you need to have read the book and answered three questions
correctly to be eligible. To find out more, click here.
And since the
Commonwealth is definitely batting on my team, in spirit if not in the flesh, check out this item in the New
Zealand Gay Express, penned by the
incomparable Portia, who you may know from the Perfume Posse or Australian Perfume Junkies. Published courtesy of a new fragrance blogger from the Antipodes, Jordan River, aka The Fragrant Man.
above: a room from the über-hip Ace Hotel where I’ll be staying in New York,
sourced from
jeudi 14 mars 2013
My interview on EU regulations on CBC radio, and a few news about my mini book tour in the US and Canada
Many apologies for not posting reviews: I’ve
been working 12-hour days to get as much work done as possible before I leave
for New York, then Toronto and Montreal, to promote the North American editions
of The Perfume Lover.
As you’ve seen from my latest post, Karl and Robert
of the wonderful Aedes de Venustas (depicted above)
in New York are hosting my book signing
session on March 22nd from 4 to 8 P.M. With each book purchased, I’ll
be giving out a 2ml spray sample of Séville
à l’aube. I’ll also be packing a few mods and raw materials of the
fragrance for a sniff-and-tell. I hope to see a few of you there!
For those of you in Canada, I will be appearing
on two morning television shows, CTV’s Canada A.M. on March 27th and The Global Morning Show
on Global News on March 28th. If you are a member of Soho House in Toronto, a private club for media and entertainment industry professionals, please
check their website, I will be doing a “show and smell” on the 27th.
And if you’re anywhere around Montreal, I’ll be
doing a public reading/book signing at the Westmount Public Library in
partnership with Paragraphes, a leading independent bookstore.
Meanwhile, here is a link to the interview I
gave to Ana Maria Tremonti of The Current
on CBC, the Canadian national radio. The main topic is the upcoming E.U.
Directive on cosmetics, but the discussion veers off on the history of
perfumery, the way the industry works and the reasons behind the
fragrance-averseness of certain countries…
I’m still waiting for more info on other
events, so please check back. And if you’ve
got any recommendations for shops, exhibitions, cafés or restaurants in New
York, please let me know! I haven’t been for ages so I’ll be quite the stranger
in town…
Mon interview sur CBC radio au sujet des réglementations européennes, et autres news
Tout d'abord, mes plus plates excuses
pour cette pause du blog : je travaille plus de douze heures par jour pour
boucler autant de travail que possible avant de partir faire la promo de mon
livre à New York, Toronto et Montréal pour la sortie de ses éditions
nord-américaines le 19 mars.
Si jamais vous êtes à New
York, je serai ravie de vous rencontrer à Aedes de Venustas le 22 mars entre 16 et 18 heures autour
d’un Bellini pour une séance de signature au cours de laquelle je ferai
découvrir aux intéressés quelques « mods » de Séville à l’aube ainsi que des matières premières entrant dans sa
Si vous êtes au Canada,
vous pourrez m’apercevoir dans deux émissions matinales, Canada A.M. le 27 mars et The Global Morning Show le 28.
Si vous êtes membre de Soho House à Toronto, un club pour professionnels des
médias et du spectacle, j’y serai également le 27 mars pour une présentation du
livre et de mon petit barda parfumé.
Montréalais ? Le 3
avril, la bibliothèque publique de Wesmount, en association avec la librairie
Paragraphes, m’accueille pour une lecture publique et une séance de signature (et
toujours mon petit barda Séville à l’aube,
dont je remettrai un échantillon pour tout achat du livre).
J’attends toujours des
renseignements supplémentaires pour d’autres événements, donc repassez faire un
saut. Et si vous avez des boutiques, expositions, restaurants ou cafés à me
recommander à New York, je suis preneuse : je n’y suis pas allée depuis si
longtemps que c’est comme si je n’y avais jamais mis les pieds.
En attendant, si vous
êtes anglophones, voici une interview de moi diffusée ce matin sur la radio
nationale anglophone canadienne CBC dans l’émission The Current, où il est question des réglementations européennes, de
l’industrie du parfum, de son histoire et de mes aventures olfactives
Pour conclure, l'édition française de mon livre paraîtra le 16 mai aux Presses de la Cité sous le titre: Parfums, une histoire intime. J'espère pouvoir bientôt vous montrer la couverture, dont je suis particulièrement ravie car mon éditeur a retenu la photo dont je rêvais depuis le début de l'aventure...
mardi 5 mars 2013
Save the date! New York launch of The Perfume Lover on March 22nd
The American edition of my book The Perfume Lover, a Personal History of
Scent, published by St. Martin’s Press, is going on sale on March 19th. And to celebrate, I'll be in New York.
Karl Bradl and Robert Gerstner, the
owners of the one and only Aedes de Venustas, have kindly offered to host a
signature session in their boutique on March 22nd, from 5 to 8 P.M.
I would be delighted if you could
meet me there over Bellinis. Especially since it’s my first trip to New York,
and indeed to the USA, since… well, let’s say the Ramones hadn’t broken up yet
and leave it at that.
From what I’ve heard, Séville à l’aube has been so successful
many American retailers of L’Artisan Parfumeur are out of stock: a brand new
batch will be making its way to the US in late April, and it seems it will no
longer be a limited edition. So that readers will not be frustrated, with each
book sold, I will be offering a sample of Séville
à l’aube.
Hope to see you there! And if you
can’t make it, you can of course purchase the American edition of The Perfume Lover on Amazon by clicking here.
The Perfume Lover
Cocktails and book signing
March 22nd, 5-8 P.M.
9 Christopher St. New York, NY
Please rsvp aedes at aedes dot com
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