jeudi 13 septembre 2012

Off to Pitti!

By the time you read this, I’ll be off to Florence to attend Pitti Fragranze for the duration, joining forces with my friend and colleague Victoria of Bois de Jasmin (I know – sometimes life is just too awful, isn’t it?).

Friday Sept. 14th at 11 A.M., Séville à l'aube will be presented to journalists and retailers:
Bertrand Duchaufour and I will be reprising our London double act in a talk is entitled, dauntingly, “When fragrance meets literature”. 

Saturday Sept. 15th from 3 to 6 P.M., Bertrand Duchaufour will be signing bottles for the public at the L'Artisan Parfumeur booth. I'll be lurking around, but not selling or signing books, unless you bring your own!
I also have an appointment with Chandler Burr, the guest of honor of this 10th edition, for a face-to-face interview. For the full programme of festivities, including Chandler’s conference on Jean-Claude Ellena, his installation “Every bottle contains a world” produced by IFF and his scented dinner, click here.

Apart from that, I’m looking forward to crossing paths with Vero Kern, Carlos Huber of Arquiste, Geza Schoen, the Humiecki & Graef designer duo, none of whom live in Paris. And I’ll definitely be seeking out a few brands that intrigue me, like A Lab on Fire and Blood Concept with a new scent by Antoine Lie of Sécrétions Magnifiques fame.

And, of course, I’ll be meeting up with lots of fellow bloggers, both from Italy – Ermano La Gardenia nell’occhiello, Antonio Boudoir 36, Marika Bergamotto & Benzoino – and the rest of the world.

It’s pretty costly to use a smartphone abroad, but I’ll try to tweet, so be sure to follow me @theperfumelover.

Mind you, I might be playing hooky from the sniffing quite a lot – it’s Florence, for heaven’s sake. If I go awol, you’ll find me by the Arno with a full-blown case of Stendhal’s syndrome (or click here).

Illustration: detail from Ghirlandaio's fresco "The Birth of John the Baptist" in the Tornabuoni chapel of Santa Maria Novella in Florence.

8 commentaires:

  1. Having to go all the way to Florence huh? I feel your pain. Poor you ;)

  2. I know, and to see such uninteresting people! Pff... things a woman's gotta do.

  3. See you there!
    Here is the link of my article on Panorama.
    Thanks for the interview!!!

  4. Yep, nice life! Wouldn't it be nice to be rich and join you all! By the way, you should both be signing that bottle of Séville à l'aube. Anyway, if I was there I would insist. Without the story, where would the fragrance have come from? And, I'm very happy to see Chandler Burr getting some respect... some people are so hard on him and I just don't understand why! He's very, very bright! He raises the level of discussion around perfume (as you do) and those of use bloggers eating at the kids' table just love to listen in on your conversations.

    And, I learned what Stendahl's Syndrome is all about today.

  5. The things you do for your devoted readers! Looking forward to your new discoveries - I enjoy the two you found at Exscence - Ys Uzac Pohadka and Maria Candida Gentile Exaltat. ~~nozknoz

  6. Enjoy your Florence time.
    If I wasn't so damn jealous, I'd be happy for you.
    Portia xx

  7. Enjoy!
    I was going to say have fun but it seems very obvious you will. :)

    I never heard of Stendhal syndrome before but I love the idea.
