vendredi 21 mai 2010

50 samples offered by a mystery brand... Watch this space next Tuesday!

Have you ever been frustrated when you read a review about a new, or very hard-to-find fragrance, that you couldn’t touch a key to smell it instantly? Of course you have. So have I.

It’s also frustrating for me to review something that’s just out, or not out yet, knowing full well none of you will have experienced it, so that there can’t be any discussion of it. Of course I can’t resist putting out that review, not only because it’s always exciting to publish a scoop but because it’s a challenge to be the first to do a write-up, without going on the impressions of my fellow bloggers. Of course there’s a risk that a few days/weeks later, I’ll wish I could go back and write another review, because I’ve thought of the whole thing from another angle or because reading other people’s impressions has shed a different light on the product. “Reading” a perfume is an activity best performed by two people, at least as far as I'm concerned, which is why I tend to answer quite at length to reader’s comments as they incite me to clarify or nuance my opinion… Something that’s not possible when I’m writing up new things.

Anyway, the very day I was bemoaning the situation, I went to collect some samples from a newish niche brand working with a highly respected perfumer, and it just so happened the owner had been thinking along the same lines. He mentioned one of my reviews that had driven him crazy, because he couldn’t smell what I’d been writing about right away, since it wasn’t launched yet.

So we came up with the following idea: organize a preview of one of his new fragrances, coming out next fall, for the readers of Grain de Musc. Here’s how it will go: next Tuesday, I’ll post a review. The first 50 people to comment will receive a sample. Two weeks after shipping, I’ll post a new entry in which all the lucky recipients will be invited to discuss the fragrance or publish a capsule review in the comments section.

So be sure to watch this space on Tuesday May 25 around 7 P.M. Paris time. That's the Central European time zone, i.e. Greenwich Meridian Time + 1 (click here for time zone converter).

PLEASE NOTE that the brand will be offering the samples and covering the shipping, but your data will remain confidential: I’ll be handling the envelopes personally. You will not be entered in the brand’s database.

Also bear in mind that the people who comment on the French version are also concerned, so that you might be, say, the 30th person to comment on the English side and yet not get a sample. I’m sorry about that, and I apologize in advance for any disappointment. I’ll go on the hour the comments are posted.

DISCLAIMER: I have no commercial relationship whatsoever to this brand (or to any other). I like the product, I have huge respect for the perfumer, and I think the operation is a fun idea. Of course, I’m sure the brand would be happy to sell more bottles as a result. That’s why brands give out samples. Going through the channel of Grain de Musc is an opportunity for them to reach a public of connoisseurs, and get feedback on a fragrance they’re clearly very confident about – otherwise, why encourage blog readers to comment and run the risk of getting flamed? They get the buzz, you get the free samples ahead of anyone else and I get to engage in a new type of discussion with my readers. As far as I’m concerned, it’s a win-win situation. I hope you’ll agree.

Illustration by Sarah Moon.

44 commentaires:

  1. Wow! That is a very nice and generous offer.
    And yes, it is terribly frustrating reading about a perfume you cannot smell for months to come.
    I can't wait! :)

  2. Ines, yeah, I know. That's why I kept mum about Nuit de Tubéreuse for as long as I could stand it!

  3. What an interesting little project, hopefully I'll manage to be part of it, but am sure it will also be very interesting (and frustrating) just to read the take-ons.
    On the bewitching Nuit de Tubereuse, is it out in Paris already? The London shop knows NOTHING.

  4. Silvia, it was hard to decide when to schedule the posting, taking the other time zones into account... Hopefully you'll be able to smell the thing when I come to London, as it's part of the trip.

  5. P.S. Nuit de Tubéreuse is literally out today in France, at least that's the impression I get judging from the number of hits I'm getting for my Duchaufour interview in French...

  6. GalileosDaughter21 mai 2010 à 14:30

    Wow, this sounds like fun! Hopefully I'm one of the first 50.

  7. Oooh! How exciting! I've set the alarm on the ol' Crackberry, and now I'm just trying to figure out who/what the source is. Fun!

  8. Sounds like a great promotion to me!

  9. It IS frustrating to read about something wonderful that isn't available yet. But I do love those tantalizing reviews - your phrase "bodice-ripper rose" in your review of Lumiere Noire pf pushed me into buying a decant before I'd sampled. Have I said thank you yet? If I haven't, consider it done. That is stunning stuff.

    I'm sure it's at least a small expense for the perfumer to offer samples - but it's a very smart move. Advance publicity, especially word-of-mouth, is an excellent marketing tool! I wish the perfumer great luck with it.

    And, of course, I'm hoping for a sample myself. :)

  10. Hey... May 25th is my birthday! That counts for extra points, doesn't it?

    Nuit de Tubéreuse will be in Montreal next week according to the L'Artisan Parfumeur sales associate. I dropped in after work to see if I could try it. I'm generally not a tuberose fan so I'm VERY anxious to try this one out.

  11. Yay!
    It must be nice to make a scoop and a discussion at the same time!
    But...I had so much trouble lately posting on that I had lost all hopes of commenting.
    Now, I seem to have discovered a way through (=clicking on publish like crazy, even if message and verification word have disappeared. If I publish once, my comment is lost in comments heaven, with all the spam having fun with devils in red suits on the store below!).
    So, here I am need to answer this stupid comment, really.

  12. I would be interested in taking part in this if I am one of the first 50 to post a comment. Thanks, Michael.

  13. Sounds great. I wish more companies would do this. Looking forward to Tuesday.:)

  14. We've discussed this before, so you know I am completely with you on both the re-evaluation issue and the value of dialogue to uncover/reveal ideas.

    I do, however, appreciate the effort that thoughtful and/or knowledgeable reviewers put into their impressions of the moment. I think I'd be happy (and understanding) if reviews came with temporal addendums...tracing the evolution could be part of the fun. (And learning.)

    Interesting approach this perfumer is taking...I think you will be a good conduit for the chatter, both as collecting/interpreter and representer. Wishing everybody well here!

  15. Grand idea. I'll be hovering at the keyboard. . .

  16. Whoa Denyse this is such a cool idea! It really is a winning situation for everyone involved. Hope I get to participate. :) ~Katherine

  17. Thank you all for your enthusiasm, and sorry I had to set a time frame like that, it's hard to accomodate readers who literally come from all over the world!

  18. Zazie, don't know why that happens. I sometimes get double comments from people who must have the same problem. Thanks for keeping on trying though!

  19. ScentScelf, the problem is that if you post addenda to the original write-up no one sees it unless you're looking that specific fragrance up. Posting new entries is an option I've used a couple of times, but there's always the eggs+face equation to think about...

  20. Mals, about the Lumière Noire, I had a lot of fun doing that write-up, I'm glad the scent itself didn't disappoint...

  21. D The cryptic nature of this wonderful and generous surprise --not ONE clue-- is killing me!!!!


  22. I like the project at all levels, from the marketing ingenious approach to the authentic community buzz, but, should have thought the self imposed silence, this meantime, to be a true torture. I also like the hints...but all I manage to come up with is either Honore de Pres and Olivia G. or some Videault or Doyen. But then, of course, there are so many wonders of which I'm fully ignorant. Can't wait.

  23. Eleven, I like it that the owner of the brand wanted to reach my readers, rather than the people who write to him asking for samples out of the blue. I'm the one who came up with the idea of the feedback post though: it seemed like a logical consequence.

    I also like it that the whole thing came about spontaneously, though afterwards I'll need to think whether this could be a regular feature or if that'll come off as playing into brand marketing. I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get to it.

    As for the identity of the perfumer: Mona Lisa smile.

  24. Great idea! I'll be looking at my watch 100 times a day on Tuesday!! Etienne

  25. This is the neatest, coolest idea EVER!!!! I may not get organized enough to make the first 50, but I sure will try. Thanks so much, Denyse. You know, I'm sure, how much this means to us all.

    You know, I bought a split of Nuit de Tuberose unsniffed and unavailable for weeks after just on the strength of your review. That's the kind of influence you have over me. xoxox

    I understand how that must be, to write the first review. Opinions can be modified by other perspectives, either new ones of our own or from other people. I love that you CAN get the scoop so often. It's exciting for us, and I think all of us understand that while it might be your first word on a fragrance, it's not necessarily your last!

  26. Robin, I sure hope you love Nuit de Tubéreuse. I'm pretty crazy about it and I'm confident it'll be a success but that's some responsibility heaped on my head!

  27. I honestly have always known I can trust your perceptions, Denyse. You have a gift.

  28. Not 15 minutes ago the postman delivered a split of Nuit de Tuberose, which I bought based on your review, and I am swooning with pleasure as I type.

    Can't wait to see what you'll be pulling out of your magical mystery sleeve on Tuesday!

  29. Carter, so happy you love it! I feel very proprietary towards Nuit de Tubéreuse, as though it had been made for me (though it most definitely hasn't).

  30. It's wonderful. My husband smelled it on the dog and said, "Wow, he smells great!" I sprayed some on him and he loves it so much I gave him a split of my split. Love the sillage on this one -- lovely.

    Criminelle is still numero uno for me, with Carnal Flower in second, but this could well be third and perhaps even move up from there, I like it so much. I like it better than the AG, which I also just recently received in a split.

    I do wish that Tubereuse Couture got a bit more love -- deserves to be far better known than it is IMHO.

  31. I think Nuit de Tubéreuse is in a class of its own: comparing it to either Tubéreuse Criminelle or Carnal Flower, both of which I love, is missing out on what makes it so unique. In fact, originally, it wasn't even called "Tubéreuse" at all, but the working title was copyrighted and they couldn't use it.

    I have a sample of Tubéreuse Couture but don't know the scent well. I think if it doesn't get more recognition, it's that it's facing very stiff competition. Tuberose is a star, and it creates star fragrances.

  32. And just to be clear, you are saying to check in on Tuesday at about 7pm CEST?

  33. Yes, I absolutely agree: NdT is altogether different and should not be viewed through the same prism as TC and CF. Very good point :)

  34. Carter, yes, 7 PM CEST. Upon which I learned that Paris was in Central Europe, time-zone-wise.

  35. That is a great idea, can't wait ! I am not very clear about what time it starts though. Is it 8 PM Paris time or 7 PM Paris time? (I'm also European and a long-time reader of Grain de Musc, finally de-lurking and posting a comment:)

  36. Thanks for de-lurking Gia! 7 PM Paris time (I'll correct to make it clearer).

  37. Thanks for the great opportunity! Looking forward to the giveaway.

  38. Another great and so exciting initative, thank you!
    Would love to test this new composition and read your impressions later on! Regards!

  39. I realize I'm not one of the first50, but who knows, anything can happen. I am very curious about this mystery sent. I'm looking forward to reading about it.

  40. Cheryl, the giveaway isn't now, it's later today (in 11 hours at the time I'm writing!).

  41. I still have a bowl of samples I haven't tried yet, but this sounds soooo tempting...hmmm, it's a wonderful marketing idea, too! Thanks for making it happen.
    I might give it a go at 7....

  42. I would LOVE to be a part of the process. Thanks!

  43. Hi my name is maria e hernandez from ca I hope I can participate in this survey

  44. What an intriguing post about the mystery brand and the samples! It’s always exciting to discover new fragrances, especially when they come from perfume brands that push the boundaries of creativity. I can’t wait to see which scents make it to the top of your list!
