The last time I was in New York, Debbie Harry and I were both slim young things and all of the Ramones were still alive. So you can imagine there are lots of things I would rather be doing that sitting in front of the computer!
Nevertheless, here is a snapshot of the end of my book signing session at Aedes de Venustas, where I had the pleasure of meeting many readers, fellow bloggers, perfume lovers who'd received the invitation and very cool clients of Aedes.
So, the photo-souvenir of the main players of the event: my new friends, the adorable Robert (to the left) and Karl (to the right), the co-owners of Aedes, and the exquisite Laren Stover, who wrote my profile for the New York Times -- after her Bombshell Manual of Style, which I bought when it came out, her Bohemian Manifesto is currently my bedside book.
A shout-out to Lucy Raubertas (Indie Perfumes), Avery Gilbert (What the Nose Knows), Francesca Bellanger, Douglas Bender (Charenton Macerations), and so many others... including an extraordinary fashion blogger, Valerie of Idiosyncratic Fashionistas!
Lazy 3-day weekend poll ~ open thread, early March 2025
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