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jeudi 15 mars 2012

The Perfumer Lover launches today: buy the book, win a sample of Séville à l'aube

The Perfume Lover is now available in UK bookstores. If you’ve pre-ordered it on Amazon you should be receiving your parcel shortly. To order it now at a special promotional price, click here.

Since Séville à l’aube, the fragrance that goes with the book, won’t be available until late July, HarperCollins has given me ten of the preview samples sent to journalists and bloggers for a very special prize draw.

So if you’ve bought the book, you can enter the draw and discover L'Artisan Parfumeur's next launch by Bertrand Duchaufour four months before it hits the shelves.

To participate, please leave a comment and if your name is drawn, I'll ask you to email your proof of purchase along with your contact details at graindemusc at gmail dot com.

The draw will be open until March 20th. I will announce the winners on the 21st

Picture courtesy of Nathan Branch, all rights reserved 2012.

53 commentaires:

  1. Many congratulations! How excited (and relieved) you must be. (Can you say what perfume you wore to the launch?)

    I pre-ordered my copy through Book Depository and I think it is about to ship; may have already. Excited!

  2. Annemarie, thank you. There's been no launch just yet: we'll do events later on when the perfume comes out. Obviously I'll be wearing Séville à l'aube, but then that's what I wear every time I go out!

  3. I bought and have already received my copy from
    I would love to read it in concert with smelling the perfume.
    Thank you for the draw!

  4. Congratulations! I pre-ordered your book on Amazon in kindle edition and they let me know very early this morning that The Perfume Lover it's on my kindle. Tonight I'll start reading it, can't wait!

  5. Birgit, that was quick delivery! Hope you enjoy it.

  6. Alex, thank you. I still can't wrap my head around the idea of a book landing into a machine... Hope you enjoy the read!

  7. Congratulations! I just ordered from UK Amazon -- let's hope it gets here soon. (Apparently I have to wait for the hardcopy, since I couldn't order the Kindle edition from

  8. Hi Denyse--Can't wait to read the book. Pre-ordered it ages ago through Amazon and am hoping it arrives on these Canadian shores soon!

  9. Jarvis, I don't know how those download thingies work, guess they're country-specific? Anyway, thanks for springing for the hardcover, which is loads nicer -- you'll see the jacket is soft as skin!

  10. Hi Kim, thanks for going the extra thousands of miles! Hope to see you in a year in TO!

  11. A copy is on its way from England to California, I am looking forward to reading this!

  12. My copy is on it's way to me! I would love to be able to experience the scent while reading your story.

  13. The Other Wrangler, it certainly enhances the experience!

  14. I am so happy your book is out! I am looking forward enjoying your prose, sharing your adventures and meditations on scents and perfume! Congratulations!
    I am impatiently waiting for my copy!

  15. Yippee!! The launch day has arrived. Now my copy must sprout wings and fly across the pond to the New World. Amazon UK said to expect it around the 26th. Why did Harper Collins not release this in the USA? I am a bookseller and based on the popularity of books by French authors and books on fragrance, I could have handsold this effortlessly.

  16. It's almost 1:00 AM, March 16, and still reading 'The Perfume Lover', which arrived yesterday--about half way through by now, and would love to smell the scent very much by now. Proof of purchase can be seen in the images on the Twitter (@ScentChemistry) and Facebook Accounts ( of our own book 'Scent and Chemistry'. We love orange blossoms, the note 'en ce moment', with our favs so far being: 'Artisan' (John Varvatos, 2009) by Rodrigo Flores-Roux for the masculine and 'Sweet Redemption' (by Kilian, 2011) by Calice Becker for the feminine fragrance universe. Would love to smell and discuss 'Séville à l'aube' by Bertrand Duchaufour. Very nicely written book by the way, congratulations.

  17. Congratulations Denyse! Can't wait to buy the book and the perfume.

    (who is being held captive in the library because of a student riot outside... help!)

  18. Denyse -- The book jacket *is* soft as skin. Did you pick that out? Because it's a gorgeous cover -- the whole thing, design, colors, feel of the paper.

    How involved were you in the cover design process?

  19. Katy, I had only sold the rights to UK and Commonwealth excluding Canada, but rights have now also been sold to the US and Canada, though the launch there is still many months off. What you say makes me very optimistic, thanks!

  20. Scent & Chemistry, while you're reading me, I'm reading *you*! Your book came in last week and though my knowledge of chemistry is extremely limited, I'm learning a lot. What I particularly enjoy is that when products are mentioned, you give opinions too.

  21. Normand, I can't think of a better place to be stuck in than a library!

  22. Nathan, since I was on the other side of the Channel my involvement wasn't very hands-on. The paper was something everyone on the team was very excited about, and when I got the book I understood why. My tastes would have drawn me to a more modern cover, but I think this one is beautiful. I did pick the female figure, which is a German polychrome wood statue of Mary Magdalene in the Loouvre.

  23. Congratulations! I love your blog and your thoughtful writing. It sparkles into my life ... I am looking forward to read the book - and I imagine to read it enwrapped with the perfume. Good luck!

  24. Anonymous, thank you. You'll have to leave a signature to participate in the draw though!

  25. I preordered from Amazon UK in February - so looking forward to reading the book and trying L'Aube sooner (preferably!) or later! ~~nozknoz

  26. Nozknoz, though book and fragrance can stand separately, it's true smelling the fragrance adds a layer to the story...

  27. I've just ordered it. Delivery estimated 22-27 march. Can't wait!

  28. Iodine, hope it gets there rather sooner than later!

  29. Dear Denyse,
    I preordered my copy from Amazon some time ago and am now impatiently waiting for its arrival (next week, I hope!). I am very curious to experience Séville à l'aube as well as to read about what inspired it.

  30. Heyy Grain de Musc, totally cool that you read 'Scent & Chemistry', while we read 'The Perfume Lover'!! Don't bother about the amount of chemical formulas, you should be able to enjoy also without caring too much about the hardcore chemistry. It can be read on different levels and layers. Greetings and keep up the great work, also with your blog. Maybe there will be a follow-up book for 'The Perfume Lover' with a follow-up scent as well??

  31. I am in the U.S. and preordered my copy through Amazon U.K. I received an e-mail last week that the book has been dispatched!

    Eagerly awaiting its arrival and wishing you much success!

    Thank you for the draw. :)

    (I'm having a problem with Google, so I'll leave this comment as Anonyme. This is Taffy (Taffy4aday at aol dot com)

  32. Scent & Chemistry, I'm taking it slowly but not quite methodically! As for follow-up projects... it's early days, but I am definitely pursuing both avenues in some form or other.

  33. Taffy, no problem as long as there's a name or pseudonym for the draw, and thank you!

  34. I am the Anonyme from March 16th at 12:43. Sorry I have a problem to leave a signature ... My name is MINA. All the best!

  35. Thanks Mina! Apparently that's not an uncommon issue. You're in.

  36. My hard copy book is coming to me from Book Depository.Sometimes I like to touch the books I read. Really looking forward to opening the pages and finding out about life through perfume.

  37. Hey Carmen Canada! Have already read your fabulous book on my kindle! I was amazed that there it was, just waiting in the cloud to be downloaded to me in Australia!
    Congratulations, after reading your blog for years, I particularly loved the autobiographical twists and the references to favorite perfumes and perfumers.
    I am just dying to find out how Seville smells...

  38. Scent of Choice, I'm a bit fetishistic about books as well -- love to touch them and smell them! And having them around me feels like having friends...

  39. Marion, despite what I write above, I do find there's something pretty magical about having a book descend from the clouds like some sort of mythological creature! Thank you for your kind words.

  40. Congratulations! I just purchased it from Amazon, and can't wait to get it :) I'm so curious to try Seville as well, and I hope it happens sooner than later ;)

    - Karamell :)

  41. Karamell, thanks, you're entered in the draw too.

  42. How exiting with a chance to smell "Duende"! I bought my copy at Shakespeare & company in Paris and have just reached chapter 36.
    Btw, I love Mistinguett´s advice to Arletty that you quoted in the book =)
    BR/Markus in Sweden

  43. Markus, I knew Shakespeare and Company had a few advance copies... the idea of being sold in such a bookshop, with all its historic associations, is a thrill.

  44. I am thrilled that the book arrived today from British Amazon. Not available on American Amazon yet. Read 3 pages before I made it in from getting the mail.

  45. Shelly, not sure how UK vs. US Amazon works for British books... But frankly, the type of discounts Amazon offers makes up for shipping fees I think. Thanks for the vote of confidence!

  46. Congratulations! I just received my copy too, from England to Singapore.
    Really looking forward to starting it this week-end.

  47. Christa, thank you! The draw is actually closed now but I'll be doing another one later on.

  48. No worries, it was just a friendly message to congratulate you.

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