More to Read - Encore des lectures

mardi 5 mars 2013

Save the date! New York launch of The Perfume Lover on March 22nd

The American edition of my book The Perfume Lover, a Personal History of Scent, published by St. Martin’s Press, is going on sale on March 19th. And to celebrate, I'll be in New York.

Karl Bradl and Robert Gerstner, the owners of the one and only Aedes de Venustas, have kindly offered to host a signature session in their boutique on March 22nd, from 5 to 8 P.M.

I would be delighted if you could meet me there over Bellinis. Especially since it’s my first trip to New York, and indeed to the USA, since… well, let’s say the Ramones hadn’t broken up yet and leave it at that.

From what I’ve heard, Séville à l’aube has been so successful many American retailers of L’Artisan Parfumeur are out of stock: a brand new batch will be making its way to the US in late April, and it seems it will no longer be a limited edition. So that readers will not be frustrated, with each book sold, I will be offering a sample of Séville à l’aube. 

Hope to see you there! And if you can’t make it, you can of course purchase the American edition of The Perfume Lover on Amazon by clicking here.

The Perfume Lover
Cocktails and book signing
Friday March 22nd, 5-8 P.M.
9 Christopher St. New York, NY
Please rsvp aedes at aedes dot com

18 commentaires:

  1. Oh, I wish I could be there, but I probably don't have time to plan a NY trip in March. But congrats on the American launch of the book and enjoy your visit!

  2. Melissa, that's a pity. Thanks for your wishes! I'm looking forward to it.

  3. I live in New York, and I will try my very best to be there! I can't wait to read your book.

  4. Elizabeth, I certainly hope you'll make it, please let me know it's you if you do...

  5. i am so excited for you!

    come to houston next time!


  6. Thanks Minette! I'd have loved to do a proper book tour, but it's a bit trickier when you're flying in from Europe. Still, who knows?

  7. Best wishes for a wonderful time! I will finally get to read your work, in a book form!


  8. Coucou,

    C'est Emma, je suis un peu surprise on s'est parle recemment mais tu ne m'a rien dit. Veux-tu que je vienne quand meme, Miguel d'Aedes est un ami, enfin c'est comme tu veux, je veux pas t'ennuyer non plus...

  9. Desolee pour les fautes, Mon nexus 7 recoorige tout en anglais et lies touches don't miniscule s on y voit rien!

  10. Emma, mais évidemment, viens! Je pense qu'au moment où on a échangé rien n'était encore décidé. Et depuis que les dates sont décidées, c'est un peu la panique à bord parce que je dois boucler plein de boulots très lourds avant de partir (raison pour laquelle j'écris si peu pour le blog).

  11. Congratulations, it must be so exciting to know both your book and perfume are striving... as for myself I'll be.... double-happy since I expect a post on MAD museum which I won't visit in the next future. All the best. Roberta

  12. Roberta, thank you. Séville à l'aube is certainly doing very well -- as for the book, since there are three foreign editions to be launched, well, we'll see whether it thrives!
    But I'm afraid I won't be posting on the MAD Museum exhibition since it is now over.

  13. :( I thought there would be a permanent exhibition beside the temporary one, it should be time perfume museums would pop up in a few cities, on a rather different style than classic ones.

    BTW any chances of an italian edition of your book? I'd love to offer it to a few friends and customers...

    Do well :)

  14. ops think in my previous post I meant "thriving" ... in my striving english

  15. The MAD has no permanent exhibitionsn though some activities related to this one might still be going on. There is certainly room to conceive other approaches, though in the economic context it doesn't really seem realistic to consider permanent venues.
    As for an Italian edition, nothing for the moment. Again, times are tough, and to put out a foreign edition you need to pay a translator!

  16. I can't make it - much as I would love to go back to NYC with my newfound perfumista head on! - but wish you all the best with the launch event.

  17. Vanessa, I'd have loved to see you there, but perhaps we'll cross paths in Europe?
