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vendredi 16 septembre 2011

Juniper Sling: Penhaligon's mock-umentary revisits the Jazz Age

After the Monty Python-esque video promoting Bertrand Duchaufour's Sartorial, Penhaligon's take a page from Woody Allen's Zelig in their new mock-umentary for the gin-inspired Juniper Sling.

I haven't tested the juice yet -- it's by Olivier Cresp (Firmenich) but I, for one, am much more attracted by this kind of tongue-in-cheek promotional approach than by the nth superproduction featuring a half-naked writhing beauty reaching nirvana after one spritz, or a brooding bloke wafting a babe-trap sillage...

9 commentaires:

  1. That is adorable, and really does make me want to sniff it. I love the smell of gin - my father was an inveterate gin and tonic drinker, so it has very fond associations for me, besides being a damned wonderful aroma.

  2. Amy, isn't it cute and hilarious? Humor is so rare in the fragrance world.

  3. What a charming, funny ad. Love it! I can't bear gin, but because of this ad, I'd be willing to give Juniper Sling a try. It's fun to guess where, and from what news story, they scrumped the footage....

  4. It IS great, isn't it? So wonderful to begin from the premise of not taking oneself too seriously - an underrated key to the art of living well, I think. I'm a big fan of gin - and with various little micro-distilleries popping up in the UK, it's become intellectually interesting as well as a good way to start an evening. Looking forward to trying it on.
    -- Kit

  5. Marla, just think of it as juniper rather than gin... The copy on the Penhaligon's website is quite funny too.

  6. Kit, I remember well an evening we started on gin, and finished on gin -- in fact, gin and tonic is now a drink I associate with our first, momentous dinner!

  7. is this gonna get you stopped by the police I wonder?

  8. Lekavalio, now that's a thought! Imagine being pulled over and asked to blow into the little tube because of your fragrance...

  9. That was absolutely charming! I'm a lover of a good gin cocktail but no matter; I'd be in, just because they dared to do something different!
