More to Read - Encore des lectures

mercredi 25 mai 2011

Back next week... De retour la semaine prochaine

I’ll be handing in my manuscript next Monday. Meanwhile, there’s truly no human way to keep on feeding the blog, considering that my other professional gigs also involve writing and/or translating. But I’ve got a few things in store I’ll be posting soon.

Je rends mon manuscrit lundi prochain. Entretemps, il ne m’est pas humainement possible d’alimenter le blog, étant donné que mes autres activités professionnelles sont également liées à l’écriture et à la traduction. Mais j’ai quelques trucs sous le coude que je publierai bientôt.

37 commentaires:

  1. Congratulations on finishing the manuscript (at least I'm guessing that it's finished or pretty much so).
    I'm always happy to see what surprises you have in store for us. :)

  2. Ines, no, not done yet! Still honing the last chapters, then I'll have to re-read the whole thing all over again, I'm sure I've missed tons of stuff... Four more days!

  3. Good luck with the last blast! We are all so excited about reading your book. All the sweat and tears will be worth it!


  4. Thanks Heidi. Lots of sweat, fortunately not too many tears... But most of my life has been on hold for over a year, so it'll be weird to find out whether there's still a life to go back to!

  5. Je vous souhaite bon courage, et vous félicite pour ce qui parait être un labeur de longue haleine.
    Et "à bientôt", donc.

  6. GalileosDaughter25 mai 2011 à 22:47

    Sending you good wishes on the manuscript! I'm so happy for you!

  7. Céci, oui, j'y suis depuis mars l'an dernier... Ça va me faire tout drôle de ré-émerger après ces 14 mois d'apnée.

  8. GalileosDaughter, thank you... I've stretched that deadline to its utmost limits. Hope it doesn't snap back too hard!

  9. Best of luck with the homestretch, D. I'm sure it's brilliant!

  10. Bon courage et Bravo pour cet aboutissement. Ai hâte de le lire.

  11. Jarvis, thanks for the vote of confidence! Whatever it is, now the dices have rolled, so... I'll just have to go along.

  12. Elise, merci. Bientôt, passage aux corrections et à la couve... En espérant que mon agence trouvera très vite un éditeur français, puisque la publication se fera d'abord en anglais.

  13. Wow, the final lap, I hope everything goes well!

  14. Allez courage ! Et vous avez tout notre soutien pour cette ultime ligne droite.

    Je me réjouis de vous lire, autant en français qu'en anglais.


  15. Keeping my fingers crossed!
    I miss your reviews a lot- so many interesting new launches ahead! But on the other hand, information about US FiFi Awards winners made me feel really sad. Money wins again over art and creation.

  16. Marla, at this stage, the only danger I'm in comes from my flat. It smells awfully nice but I've neglected it so it's become a health hazard!

  17. Ce commentaire a été supprimé par l'auteur.

  18. V, merci! A ce stade je me torture sur les derniers chapitres qui n'auront pas le temps de macérer, puis révision générale, et alea jacta est!

  19. Ela, there will probably be too many to catch up on! As for the US Fifis, well, let's say that's the difference between the attitudes of the US and French industries: in the latter, we got to give at least two prizes to original products...

  20. Best of luck for this latest stage, dear D. What an achievement though I realise there are plenty more hoops to jump through before the finished article is in your hands and on the bookstores' shelves and tables. Nicola

  21. Nicola, at least my editor will be doing her share of jumping along with me through those hoops! The solitary part is over.

  22. Jicky is a very clever cat. She could learn to tidy! I know my two cats, Luna and Pip, loved to move all my favorite things from one place (that I knew about) to another (top secret cat stash); they "cleaned up" my kitchen (at least the tasty foods and fresh pasta that was left out); and they rolled around on the floor enough to keep it dust-free!

  23. Marla, Jicky does gather dust but leaves hairs (thank God, only skinny Siamese hairs) in equal measure, and the only things she stashes are gloves (evil creatures, especially in the mating season), balls and blotters (she's working on a formula behind the couch, I suspect). But my friend Bénédicte's cat steals banknotes, a very efficient way of putting together a savings account.

  24. For Benedicte or the cat? ;-)

  25. When Bénédicte moved out she found the stash. Sundari's been sulking ever since.

  26. Dernière ligne droite! Je pense à toi... ((bises))

  27. Good luck, and I hope you have a reward lined up for yourself after all the last-minute efforts.

    cheerio, Anna in Edinburgh

  28. Anna, come to think of it, I don't. But I'm sure fate will come up with something nice.

  29. Good luck with the final stages. If this were a marathon, we'd be squeezing oranges over your head! I don't know why anyone does that-seems to me it would give horrible effect to hair.


  30. Carole, I'm not well-versed in marathon mores... Could we do it with champagne instead?

  31. Ligne d'arrivée en vue, on ne relâche pas l'effort. Plein d'ondes positives pour le final! Bises!

  32. Bénédicte, évidemment mon éditrice me suggère un changement de dernière minute... Je pourrais tambouiller tout ça jusqu'au Jugement dernier!

  33. ça y est ? Fini ?
    Je vous le souhaite très fort et vous félicite de cet effort gigantesque sur un an et demi ! Moi qui n'écris que des phrases seules, j'en suis baba.


  34. J'attends toujours les derniers commentaires de mon éditrice, mais en principe, c'est bouclé... A part un dernier paragraphe sur lequel j'ai des doutes! Mais il faut accepter je crois l'idée que quoi qu'on fasse, un livre de 300 pages ne sera pas parfait, qu'on ne peut tout y dire... C'est sans doute pour ça qu'on continue d'écrire!
