More to Read - Encore des lectures

mardi 5 octobre 2010

Heures de Parfum de Cartier: the Winner of the Draw -- La gagnante du tirage au sort...


I have your address, just drop me a comment to tell me which Heure de Parfum you would like to sample from the first series...

Thank you all for participating with so many evocative and imaginative suggestions for the next Heures de Parfum by Cartier... I hope somebody up there is reading!

Merci à tous d'avoir participé en offrant des suggestions si imaginatives et évocatrices pour les prochaines Heures de Parfum de Cartier... J'espère qu'elles ont été lues!

2 commentaires:

  1. That's wonderful news, but my brain is seriously under-caffed this morning, and I'm not sure which were the first series?? And of those, which did you think were the finest and most unique? (I'll re-check your reviews!)

  2. Ah, waking up now. I think XII, Mysterieuse, was in Series 1? I'd love to try that one, I'm an incense junkie. Thank you!!
