More to Read - Encore des lectures

dimanche 14 juin 2009

The Winners of the Nara 1869 story contest

I am remiss. In fact, I am a pretty poor excuse for a blogger – but I do have one (excuse): I’ve been clobbered by a staggering amount of work, including two book projects, apart from my usual rent-paying endeavors, and sleeping has become optional.

One of my readers wrote to me to ask me who’d won that Parfums 137 set… I hadn’t forgotten, but I had a hell of a time figuring out which story/perfume proposal I like best. Actually, I like them all, is the problem.

So I’ve decided to offer the Nara 1869 coffret to the first person who came up with a story, and that’s Alexander, for Argentina 1946.

But, but, but… The owner of Parfums 137 has given me enough samples of the two currently available sets, Nara 1869 and Stromboli 1950, to offer to each person who sent a story.

And that would be: Zazie, Rebella, Scott, Flora and Maria.

I’ll be waiting for your details: write me at graindemusc at gmail dot com.

And if I don’t send the envelopes quickly, please forgive me. I’ve got post-office phobia and I’m looking at one of the roughest two weeks in my professional history – that’s how long I have to write one of the books…

8 commentaires:

  1. quel dommage que je ne sois pas douée en anglais !
    je me suis promenée une bonne partie de l'après midi sur votre blog et je suis toujours "transportée" par vos jolis commentaires !

  2. Pardon, Chakim, j'ai eu la flemme de traduire puisqu'il ne s'agit que de donner le nom des gagnants d'un concours, et comme les participants étaient tous anglophones...

  3. Oh, how wonderful! I will send you my address! Thank you so much! :-D

  4. mais je comprends tout à fait que vous n'ayez pas envie de tout traduire, après tout je n'avais qu'à être plus assidue à mes cours d'anglais au lycée et puis je sais que si Rebie passe par là elle se fera un plaisir de me transmettre la traduction !

  5. Flora, I'll get back to you once it's on its way.

  6. Chakim, soyez assurée que tout ce qui compte est traduit! Et je vois que nous avons les mêmes (excellentes) fréquentations...

  7. Woo-hoo! Well done by, and for, all who submitted stories. Thanks much, D, for the fun.

  8. Scentscelf, all those stories were so beautiful and moving I just dithered for days without being able to decide...
    I know that Alexandre, the owner of Parfums 137, was very surprised and pleased too (he got in touch with me *after* reading the post).
