More to Read - Encore des lectures

mardi 14 octobre 2008

Karl Lagerfeld Kapsules : The Winner of the Draw

Little miss Jicky has just had a go at the slips of papers with the names of everyone who entered the draw for 5 ml minis of Karl Lagerfeld’s three Kapsules.

And the winner is... Lunarose!

Please send me an email with your details at graindemusc at, and the parcel will be on its way.

Thanks to all for participating… et merci à toutes pour leur participation!

6 commentaires:

  1. Bravo Lunarose ! Saluons également le travail de la petite patte féline de Jicky.

  2. Je dois dire qu'il a fallu travailler à convaincre mademoiselle de choisir une papillote. Elle les regardait voler avec intérêt, puis attendait que je recommence.Et si je les aromatisais au poisson?

  3. Oui ! Ou pourquoi pas glisser une croquette dans chaque papillotte ?

  4. Bonne idée, pour le prochain tirage... Ah, les minettes!

  5. oh my goodness i'm hyperventilating! hello carmencanada the generous, lunarose here. i just sent you my information via e-mail. please give Miss Jicky my warmest personal regards respecting her selfless efforts in making this contest possible. i'm wearing Bandit right now, and i feel like i'm making out like one today! thank you!

  6. Lunarose, any woman who wears Bandit deserves to win (as did every other commenter, naturally). Miss Jicky will receive an extra cuddle, if humanly and felinely possible (she's not deprived, is the least I can say).
    The pink was, of course, for the Rose!
    I've emailed you.
