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dimanche 3 août 2008

22 Diptyque candles go up in smoke

After having been bought out by the London-based private equity firm Manzanita Funds, Diptyque founded in 1961, is starting to feel the pain. Five eaux de toilette have already been discontinued, L'Autre, Eau d'Elide, Opôné, L'Eau Trois and Virgilio; 22 candles are getting the axe. Here is the official death list, furnished by the Diptyque counter of a major Parisian department store:

Amande, Aster, Basilic, Bois Ciré, Cèdre, Coing, Cuir, Genet, Giroflée, Héliotrope, Iris, Jacinthe, Laurier, Lierre, Miel, Narcisse, Œillet, Pois de senteur, Réséda, Seringa, Safran, Tilleul.

If you’re hooked, stock up.

Image: Tendril of a snuffed out candle, by Hedonaut on Flickr.

7 commentaires:

  1. And which of these would you recommend?

    PS: thanks for the info:-)

  2. The Bois ciré (waxed wood) and Cuir are really good. I've never tried the Safran but I already regret it...

  3. Oh no, my beloved Seringa! Weeps.

  4. Yup, Tara, off with their wicks. I don't know what they'll do at Roja Dove's, they use the Diptyque candles to help people narrow down their choices in fragrance during their consultations...

  5. I was recently told that the death list is likely to be flexible, and that some small batches are to be launched from times to times for addicts so don't hesitate to ask for your beloved candles / fragance until they are back into production! Résistance!

  6. Yes, I have heard too that there have been some reprieves.

  7. I’ve waited forever for Genet

    Any hope?
