More to Read - Encore des lectures

lundi 26 décembre 2011

An Update on my Perfume Courses at the London College of Fashion

In the 26 december edition of The Scotsman (click here to read), the UK-based American journalist and perfumista Lee Randall gives an account of the December 2010 edition of my London perfume course. 

Speaking of which... Many of you have written to ask me when I’d resume the courses. I’d love nothing more, but there’s a glitch: I’ve got a Canadian passport. As long as I was doing the odd series of lectures, I could somehow wiggle through, but in order to get a proper contract, I need a work visa.  For which I can’t apply since I’d only be doing 100 hours a year, which renders me ineligible – the visa is conceived for people coming to work full-time in the UK.

Long story short:  the London College of Fahsion is currently exploring the idea of offering the courses in Paris, which makes sense since Paris is more of a perfume capital than London, and the location would allow us to offer more fragrance-related activities.

The LCF has set up a page on its website so that people can register their interest in a Paris-based perfume course: click here.

Meanwhile, if you have any comments and suggestions, please feel free to write!

6 commentaires:

  1. You'll still need minions, I hope. To handle the spritzing and passing out of the mouillettes, yes? :-)

  2. Oh, minions are definitely a part of the process. Mind you, I've got one in the States and one in Tuscany, so what's a girl to do?

  3. If the course is held in Paris, have you any idea of the dates (and cost)? It would be a dream to attend... Ariane

  4. Ariane, I'm sorry to say I haven't the faintest idea, since at this stage it's just the project of a project. I can say that the four-day intensive course cost something like £400 (that's just for the course, not food or accomodation). The Paris trip could include other types of activities and visits, I'm sure various partners could be found.

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